AmericanJobCenter * USAJOBS * GIG Economy Jobs * CareerOneShop * TANF
AmericanJobCenter – a cornerstone of the American Job Center Network
AmericanJobCenter is a government website that helps job seekers navigate available services and training programs offered from the following U.S. Government Agencies:
Department of Education
Department of Labor
Department of Veterans Affairs
General Services Administration
Small Business Administration
The White House
As a result of collective inputs and collaboration, those agencies made a commitment to making the website the cornerstone of the American Job Center Network.
The AmericanJobCenter site provides a single access point – open 24-7 – for key federal programs and critical local resources to help people find a job, identify training programs, and tap into resources to gain skills in growing industries. The AmericanJobCenter and the nearly 3,000 federally funded brick-and-mortar employment centers that are part of the American Job Center Network provide an easily-identifiable source for the help and services individuals and businesses need.
The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)
Check Frequently Asked Questions at the Food and Nutrition Services website.