Veterans Affairs Supportive Housing
Housing Vouchers * Public Housing * Homeless * Making Home Affordable
Veterans Affairs Supportive Housing – HUD-VASH
What Federal Programs offer housing help for Veterans?
The HUD-Veterans Affairs Supportive Housing (HUD-VASH) program combines Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) rental assistance for homeless Veterans with case management and clinical services provided by the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). VA provides these services for participating Veterans at VA medical centers (VAMCs) and community-based outreach clinics.
Another federal program that offers housing help to veterans is the Veterans Homelessness Prevention Demonstration Program (VHPD). The program awards grants that will serve veteran individuals and families who qualify for assistance under the VHPD. The purpose of the VHPD grant program is to explore different ways to offer early intervention homelessness prevention, primarily to veterans returning from wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.
One of the goals of the VHPD to provide grants to grantees that will serve the increasing number of female veterans and veterans with families with a single head of household. The VHPD program is designed to identify, reach, and assist the needs of those veterans and help them regain and maintain housing stability.
The VHPD is offered through collaborative efforts of HUD, VA, and DOL, which demonstrates emphasis in three critically important areas for veterans; housing, veterans’ benefits, and employment training and search. The program offers short and medium-term housing assistance with security deposits, rent, rental and utility arrearages, case management to community-based support services that include child care and other family services.
Eligibility Criteria
HUD-VASH and VHPD programs are developed for homeless Veterans. They are the end beneficiaries of grants given under those two programs. Therefore eligible Veteran families must include a Veteran.
The Veterans have to meet the general definition of the homeless individuals – a lack of fixed, regular and adequate nighttime residence, or who use sleeping accommodation not appropriate for such purpose as bus or train station, or abandoned building, or living in shelter designated to provide temporary living arrangements only. There are other eligibility requirements specific to each program and area and they can be found by contacting local PHA or local VA Homeless Program administrators.
How to Apply?
If you’re a Veteran, you may be connected with the Homeless Program point of contact at the nearest VA facility. If you need housing assistance, call the National Call Center for Homeless Veterans at 1-877-4AID-VET. Contact information will be requested so staff may follow up. To apply for HUD-VASH, please contact your local VA Homeless Program. Veterans can contact the HUD-VASH program directly, or obtain a referral from a case manager in another VA program, from a community program, or other referral sources.
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