Summer Food Service Program for Children
Food Stamps * Women Infants Children * School Meals * Summer Food Service
Summer Food Service Program for Children
Agency: Department of Agriculture
Office: Food and Nutrition Service,
Headquarters Office: 3101 Park Center Drive, Room 640,
Alexandria, Virginia 22302 Phone: (703) 305-2590
FY 15 est $492,738,000 – Several discretionary grant initiatives are supporting this program
Summer Food Service Program for Children provides grants and other means to the States in order to help and facilitate non-profit food service programs for low-income children during the summer when schools are not in regular session.
Grants are used for delivery of free meals to children 18 and younger in areas of the country where at least 50% of the children meet the income eligibility criteria for free and reduced-price meals.
The Summer Food Service Program for Children operates during the school vacation months of May through September. The program also can provide food services for children from September through May when a school is closed because of an emergency situation. Meals provided under the Summer Food Service Program for Children must meet the minimum requirements of the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA).
Federal grants appropriated for Summer Food Service Program for Children are earned by the States and public nonprofit institutions and organizations on a per meal served reimbursement basis.
Beneficiary Eligibility
Children 18 years of age and younger are eligible for the food service during the summer when schools are not in regular sessions and in areas of the USA where at least 50% of the children meet the income eligibility criteria for free and reduced-price meals. Other beneficiaries of the Summer Food Service federal grants are all service institutions that are eligible to participate as sponsors of the program.
Sponsors develop and operate the food service programs for children locally and may include public or private nonprofit school food authorities, public or private nonprofit colleges or universities operation the National Youth Sports Program during summertime, and specialized units of local, county, or state governments. Federal grants provided for reimbursement pay for one meal and one snack or two meals per child per day. Summer camps serving children of migrant workers may be approved for reimbursement to serve up to three meals each day.
How to Apply for Summer Food Service Program for Children
Children from areas in which poor economic conditions exist and are eligible for Summer Food Service inquire and apply at schools or local offices of the Food and Nutrition Service. Sponsors apply at regional agency offices. For more information on the Summer Food Service Program for Children contact: Headquarters Office: 3101 Park Center Drive, Room 640, Alexandria, Virginia 22302 Phone: (703) 305-2590.
The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)
Check Frequently Asked Questions at the Food and Nutrition Services website.