Weatherization Assistance
Energy Bills * Water Bills * Phone Bills * Weatherization
Weatherization Assistance for Low-Income Persons
Agency: Department of Energy 1617 Cole Blvd., Golden, Colorado 80401
Phone: 720-356-1456
Grants appropriation – project-based, range, and the average of a financial grant allocated are $2,500 to $6,500 per dwelling unit
FY 13 $137,900,000
FY 14 $118,672,491
FY 15 $191,814,000
FY 16 $213,814,000
Weatherization Assistance for Low-Income Persons is a federal program created to improve the energy efficiency of low-income households through the most cost-effective measures possible.
The program provides funding through formula grants and project grants to the States that can be used to reduce fossil fuel emissions and total energy use of the eligible households.
Federal grants for weatherization help low-income persons improve the thermal efficiency and cooling of dwellings by paying for the installation of weatherization materials such as attic insulation, furnace efficiency modifications, certain mechanical measures to heating and cooling systems, caulking, weather-stripping, and replacement furnaces, boilers, and air conditioners.
Grantees may average expenditures per dwelling unit for materials, program support and labor costs not to exceed an average per dwelling unit of $6,500 adjusted annually for inflation.
Beneficiary Eligibility
All low-income households are eligible to receive weatherization assistance. A low-income household is one whose combined income falls at or below 200 % of the federal poverty level as determined by the Office of Management and Budget (OMB).
The poverty income guidelines are used as a basis on which Federal, State, or local cash assistance payments are made. A State may also elect to make all homes eligible under the HHS Low-income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) eligible for weatherization assistance and may use either 150 % of poverty or 60 % of State median income.
How to Apply
To apply for this program contact your local state office to begin the application process immediately.
You can locate your state’s office information here.
The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)
Check Frequently Asked Questions at the Food and Nutrition Services website.