Homeless Shelters and Assistance Programs
Housing Vouchers * Public Housing * Homeless * Making Home Affordable
List of Federal Programs for Shelters and Homeless Assistance
Federal Agencies administering Homeless Assistance Programs and Grants: HUD, HHS, Department of Education, Department of Labor, USDA, Federal Emergency Management Agency
Emergency Food and Shelter National Board Program (EFSP)
Emergency Food and Shelter National Program provides grants to help poor and those with economic vulnerabilities in case of disaster situations. Grants are used to provide emergency economic assistance such as food, mass shelters, temporary stay in motels, rent, mortgage payments and utility assistance that would keep affected individuals and families off the streets and from being evicted from their homes.
Independent non-profits such as Community Action Agencies and Food Banks, plus local public organizations that act as service providers in case of emergency are direct beneficiaries of this program. Most of those organizations are specialized to serve a different category of people with special needs such as homeless veterans, disabled individuals, the elderly, and many other groups of people with urgent needs of food and shelter when a disaster takes place.
An important aspect of EFSP is that the grants and funding offered through this program are intended to be used in case of emergency to supplement other ongoing programs services, not to replace them.
Headquarters Office:
Community Services Branch/Individual Assistance Division/Recovery Directorate
500 C Street, S.W., Room 614, Washington, District of Columbia 20472
Phone: 800-621-3363
Runaway and Homeless Youth Programs (administered by HHS)
Grants are awarded under various programs to public and nonprofit private organizations to establish and improve community-based shelters for runaway and homeless youth and their families. Funding is used for temporary shelter, food, clothing, counseling, and related services
Basic Center Grant Program
The program grants are awarded for establishing basic centers that provide runaway and homeless youth under 18 years old with up to 21 days of shelter, food, clothing, and health care. In addition, the program provides aftercare services for the youth that left the shelter.
Transitional Living for Homeless Youth Program
The purpose of this federal grant program is to provide homeless youth with stable and safe living accommodations and services that help them develop the skills necessary to move to independent living. Grants are given to transitional living projects that provide shelters, support services, and skills training to homeless youth including pregnant and parenting youth when in need and between 16 and 22 age-old.
Transitional Living for Homeless Youth program provides specified living accommodation for up to 21 months. Part of the funding is used for services that help build basic life skills such as budgeting, cooking, housekeeping, and parenting. In addition, youths are provided with career counseling and job placement.
Street Outreach Program (SOP Grants)
Street Outreach grants are awarded to eligible private nonprofit organization that run street based services to runaway, homeless youth who have been subject to, or are at risk of being subjected to sexual abuse and exploitation. Street outreach services include crisis intervention, education, treatment, counseling and follow-up support.
Salvation Army Housing and Homeless Services
Salvation Army provides temporary emergency shelters and transitional living centers for homeless persons through their local Salvation Army Corps Community centers. For more information on specific local programs contact your local Salvation Army Center.
Emergency Food and Shelter Program (United Way)
Low-Rent Apartments
Find more and search subsidized and low-rent apartments here.