Assistance Programs, Local Agencies, and Charities
Indiana Assistance Programs and Services
- 1. Indiana Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) ⇑ – Monthly food stamp benefits to help low-income people and families buy the food they need for good health. Indiana uses an Electronic Benefits Transfer system to distribute SNAP benefits. Benefits are accessed with a plastic Hoosier Works card. The card replaced paper coupons and can be used in all Indiana food retailers accepting EBT card. (+++) Call: 800-403-0864
- 2. Indiana Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) ⇑ – Provides cash assistance and supportive services to assist families with children under age 18, helping them achieve economic self-sufficiency, Call: 800-403-0864
- 3. Indiana Medicaid ⇑ – A health insurance program that provides medical and health-related services to eligible low-income Indiana residents, Call: 800-457-4584
- 4. Indiana Hoosier Healthwise ⇑ – A health care program for low-income parents/caretakers, pregnant women, and children, Call: 800-889-9949
- 5. Healthy Indiana Plan (HIP) ⇑ – A health care program that covers adults age 19-64 who are not eligible for Medicare or another Indiana Medicaid category, Call: 877-438-4479
- 6. Indiana M.E.D. Works (Medicaid for Employees with Disabilities) ⇑ – Designed to allow disabled employees to work without fear of losing their Medicaid, Call: 866-273-5897
- 7. Indiana Hoosier Care Connect Program ⇑ – A health care program for individuals who are aged 65 years and older, blind, or disabled and who are also not eligible for Medicare, Call: 866-963-7383
- 8. Indiana Health Coverage Programs (IHCP) ⇑ – Includes three authorized processes by which individuals can be determined presumptively eligible and receive temporary health coverage until the Family and Social Services Administration (FSSA) determines official eligibility, Call: 800-457-4584
- 9. Indiana Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) ⇑ – Healthy foods, breastfeeding support, nutrition education, health care referrals, Call: 800-522-0874
- 10. Indiana National School Lunch Program (NSLP) ⇑ – Provides low-cost or free lunches to school children, Call: 317-232-6610
- 11. Indiana Special Milk Program ⇑ – Offers milk to children in schools, childcare institutions, and eligible camps, Call: 317-232-6610
- 12. Indiana School Breakfast Program (SBP) ⇑ – Provides low-cost or free meals to school children, Call: 317-232-6610
- 13. Indiana Summer Food Service Program (SFSP) ⇑ – Provides free meals and snacks to help low-income children in the summer months, Call: 317-232-6610
- 14. Indiana Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP) ⇑ – Provides healthy meals and snacks to children and adults receiving day care, Call: 317-232-6610
- 15. Indiana Head Start and Early Head Start ⇑ – Comprehensive child development programs serving low-income children and their families, Call: 317-916-0810
- 16. Indiana Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) ⇑ – Provides financial assistance to low-income households to maintain utility services during the winter heating months, Call: Local agency
- 17. Indiana Weatherization Assistance Program (WAP) ⇑ – Provides energy conservation measures to reduce the utility bills of low-income Hoosiers across the state, Call: Local agency
- 18. Indiana Commodity Supplemental Food Program (CSFP) ⇑ – Designed to aid individuals known to be at risk of malnutrition due to low income and poor health conditions, Call: 800‐522‐0874
- 19. Indiana Senior Farmers’ Market Nutrition Program (SFMNP) ⇑ – Provides low-income seniors with special vouchers to buy fresh, nutritious fruits, vegetables, and herbs from authorized farmers’ markets, Call: 800-986-3505
- 20. Indiana Housing Choice Voucher Program ⇑ – Helps eligible low-income households lease privately owned rental units from participating landlords, Call: Call local PHA
- 21. Indiana Public Housing ⇑ – Provides safe, decent, and affordable rental units for eligible low-income residents., Call: Call local PHA
Updated: Aug 12, 2024 by HAFH
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