Assistance Programs, Local Agencies, and Charities


Food * Housing * Cash Assistance * Bills * Health * Education * Employment

Iowa Assistance Programs and Services


  • 1. Iowa Food Assistance Program  – Monthly food stamp assistance benefits to supplement the food budget of Iowa needy families so they can purchase healthy food at Iowa local stores accepting EBT card and move towards self-sufficiency. (+++)  Call: 877-347-5678
  • 2. Iowa General Assistance    Designed to meet the basic needs of Iowans in emergency situations. Basic needs include shelter, utilities, food, and clothing, Call: Local County Community Services
  • 3. Iowa Family Investment Program (FIP)  – Provides cash assistance to needy families as they become self-supporting so that children may be cared for in their own homes or in the homes of relativesCall: 515-281-6899
  • 4. Iowa Family Self Sufficiency Grants (FSSG)  – Provide immediate and short-term assistance to PROMISE JOBS participant familiesCall: 515-281-6899
  • 5. Iowa Refugee Cash Assistance (RCA)  – Provides cash assistance for up to eight months to Iowa needy families, including single adults, who enter the United States as refugees, Call: 515-281-6899
  • 6. Iowa Children’s Health Insurance Program (Healthy and Well Kids in Iowa – hawk-i)  – A health insurance program that provides healthcare coverage for children and families whose income is too high to qualify for Medicaid but too low to afford individual or work-provided healthcare, Call: 800-257-8563
  • 7. Iowa Medicaid  – A health insurance program that provides medical and health-related services to eligible Iowa residents, Call: 800-972-2017
  • 8. Iowa Health and Wellness Plan  – Provides comprehensive health care coverage to low-income adults age 19-64 with an income up to 133 % of the Federal Poverty Level, Call: 800-972-2017
  • 9. Iowa Health Insurance Premium Payment Program  – Designed to help eligible Iowa residents get insurance or keep the insurance they already have by reimbursing the cost of the premiums, Call: 515-725-0725
  • 10. Iowa Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC)  – Healthy foods, breastfeeding support, nutrition education, health care referrals, Call: 800-532-1579
  • 11. Iowa National School Lunch Program (NSLP)  – Provides low-cost or free lunches to school children, Call: 515-281-4754
  • 12. Iowa Special Milk Program  – Offers milk to children in schools, childcare institutions, and eligible camps, Call: 515-281-4754
  • 13. Iowa School Breakfast Program (SBP)  – Provides low-cost or free meals to school children, Call: 515-281-4754
  • 14. Iowa Summer Food Service Program (SFSP)  – Provides free meals and snacks to help low-income children in the summer months, Call515-281-4760
  • 15. Iowa Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP)  – Provides healthy meals and snacks to children and adults receiving day careCall: 515-281-3744
  • 16. Iowa Head Start and Early Head Start  – Comprehensive child development programs serving low-income children and their familiesCall: 515-331-8000
  • 17. Iowa Low-Income Home Energy Assistance (LIHEAP)  – Helps households in Iowa with their home heating expensesCall: 515-281-0859
  • 18. Iowa Weatherization Assistance Program (WAP)  – Assists households reduce energy bills by improving the energy efficiency of their homes, Call: Local outreach office
  • 19. Iowa Commodity Supplemental Food Program (CSFP)  – Designed to improve the health of Iowa seniors  by supplementing their diets with nutritious foods, Call: 800-972-2017
  • 20. Iowa Senior Farmers Market Nutrition Program (SFMNP)  – Provides low-income seniors with vouchers that can be exchanged for fresh Iowa-grown fruits, vegetables, and fresh-cut herbs at farmers’ markets, Call: 515-725-3333
  • 21. Iowa Senior Community Services Employment Program (SCSEP)  – Employment program for older Iowans that help them gain marketable job skills working part-time in non-profit and public organizations, Call: 800-532-3213
  • 22. Iowa Housing Choice Voucher Program  – Helps eligible low-income Iowans lease privately owned rental units from participating landlords, Call: Local PHA
  • 23. Iowa Public Housing  – Provides safe, decent, and affordable rental units for low-income Iowans., Call: Local PHA
Content: created/curated/disseminated by HAFH Team
Updated Aug 12, 2024