Assistance Programs, Local Agencies, and Charities


Food * Housing * Cash Assistance * Bills * Health * Education * Employment

Missouri Assistance Programs and Services


  • 1. Missouri Food Stamp Program  – Monthly food stamp benefits to help low-income people and families buy the food they need for good health. Missouri food stamp beneficiaries can use an EBT card at Missouri approved stores to pay for their food and food products using their SNAP (Food Stamp) benefit.  (+++)  Call: 855-373-4636
  • 2. Missouri Temporary Assistance (TA)  – Designed to provide cash benefits to low-income families for the household’s children such as clothing, utilities, and other servicesCall: 855-373-4636
  • 3. Missouri Telephone Assistance Program (Lifeline)  – Offers discounted phone service if a subscriber or member of the subscriber’s household meets certain qualifying criteria, Call: 800-392-4211
  • 4. Missouri Telephone Assistance for Disabled Program  – Provides discounts for telephone service to eligible Missouri disabled participants, Call: 800-392-4211
  • 5. Missouri MO HealthNet Program  – Provides health care services for eligible low income and vulnerable citizens of the State of Missouri, Call: 800-735-2966
  • 6. Missouri MO HealthNet for Kids (MHK) Program  – Offers to eligible Missouri children full, comprehensive coverage including primary, acute and preventative care, hospital care, dental and vision care as well as prescription coverage, Call: 888-275-5908
  • 7. Missouri MO HealthNet (Medicaid) for Seniors  – Covers health care services for Missouri persons who are 65 years of age or older and meet other eligibility requirements, Call: 800-735-2966
  • 8. Missouri MO HealthNet (Medicaid) for People with Disabilities  – Designed to provide medical care for persons who are Permanently and Totally Disabled (PTD) and meet other eligibility requirements, Call: 800-735-2966
  • 9. Missouri MO HealthNet (Medicaid) for the Blind and Visually Impaired  – Provides medical care for persons who are blind or visually impaired and meet other eligibility requirements, Call: 800-735-2966
  • 10. Missouri MO HealthNet for Families (MHF)  – Provides medical coverage for eligible children in Missouri under age 19 and their parent(s), or other caretaker relatives, with whom they liveCall: 800-735-2966
  • 11. Missouri Women, Infants, and Children (WIC)  – A special supplemental nutrition program which provides services to pregnant women, new mothers, infants and children up to their 5th birthday based on nutritional risk and income eligibility, Call: 573-751-6204
  • 12. Missouri National School Lunch Program (NSLP)  – Provides low-cost or free lunches to school children, Call: 573-751-4212
  • 13. Missouri Special Milk Program  – Offers milk to children in schools, childcare institutions, and eligible camps, Call:  573-751-4212
  • 14. Missouri School Breakfast Program (SBP)  – Provides low-cost or free meals to school children, Call:  573-751-4212
  • 15. Missouri Summer Food Service Program (SFSP)  – Provides free meals and snacks to help low-income children in the summer months, Call573-751-4212
  • 16. Missouri Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP)  – Provides healthy meals and snacks to children and adults receiving day careCall573-751-6250
  • 17. Missouri Head Start  – Comprehensive child development programs serving low-income children and their familiesCall: 573-884-5078
  • 18. Missouri Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP)  – Designed to help pay heating bills for Missourians during the months of October, November, December, January, February, and March, Call: 855-373-4636
  • 19. Missouri Low-Income Weatherization Assistance Program (LIWAP)  – Provides cost-effective energy-efficient home improvements to Missouri’s low-income households, Call: 573-751-2254
  • 20. Missouri Commodity Supplemental Food Program (CSFP)  – Designed to aid individuals known to be at risk of malnutrition due to low income and poor health conditions and who meet income eligibility requirements, Call: 573-751-6250
  • 21. Missouri Housing Choice Voucher Program  – Helps eligible low-income households lease privately owned rental units from participating landlords, Call: Local PHA
  • 22. Missouri Public Housing  – Provides safe, decent, and affordable rental units for eligible low-income residents., Call: Local PHA
Content: created/curated/disseminated by HAFH Team
Updated Aug 19, 2024