Assistance Programs, Local Agencies, and Charities


Food * Housing * Cash Assistance * Bills * Health * Education * Employment

New York Assistance Programs and Services


  • 1. New York State Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)  – Monthly food stamp benefits to help low-income people and families buy the food they need for good health. The SNAP benefits are loaded into beneficiaries EBT accounts and can be used to purchase qualifying food products at New York food retailers accepting EBT cards. (+++)  Call: 800-342-3009
  • 2. New York State Supplement Program (SSP)   Provides state-funded financial assistance to aged, blind and disabled individuals that meet the program requirements, Call: 800-772-1213
  • 3. New York State Family Assistance (FA)  – Provides cash assistance to eligible needy families that include a minor child living with a parent (including families where both parents are in the household) or a caretaker relativeCall: 800-342-3009
  • 4. New York State Telephone Assistance Program (Lifeline)  – Offers discounts on basic monthly service for qualified telephone customers, Call: Local telephone company
  • 5. New York State Safety Net Assistance (SNA)  – Designed to provide cash assistance to persons  in need, who are not eligible for other assistance programs and meet this program requirementsCall: 800-342-3009
  • 6. New York State Medicaid  – A health insurance program that provides medical and health-related services to eligible New York State residents, Call: 800-843-6154
  • 7. New York State Child Health Plus Program  – Offers health care coverage to eligible children under the age 19 and living in New York State, Call: 800-698-4543
  • 8. New York State Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC)  – Healthy foods, breastfeeding support, nutrition education, health care referrals, Call: 800-522-5006
  • 9. New York State National School Lunch Program (NSLP)  – Provides low-cost or free lunches to school children, Call: 518-473-8781
  • 10. New York State Special Milk Program  – Offers milk to children in schools, childcare institutions, and eligible camps, Call: 518-473-8781
  • 11. New York State School Breakfast Program (SBP)  – Provides low-cost or free meals to school children, Call: 518-473-8781
  • 12. New York State Summer Food Service Program (SFSP)  – Provides free meals and snacks to help low-income children in the summer months, Call518-473-8781
  • 13. New York State Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP)  – Provides healthy meals and snacks to children and adults receiving day care, Call: 800-942-3858
  • 14. New York State Head Start  – Comprehensive child development programs serving low-income children and their familiesCall: 845-429-4122
  • 15. New York State Home Energy Assistance Program (HEAP)  – Designed to assists low-income New Yorkers with the cost of heating their homes and offers an emergency benefit for households in a heat or heat related energy emergency, Call: 800-342-3009
  • 16. New York State Weatherization Assistance Program (WAP)  – Assists income-eligible families and individuals by reducing their heating and cooling costs and addressing health and safety issues in their homes through energy-efficiency measures, Call: 518-474-5700
  • 17. New York State Commodity Supplemental Food Program (CSFP)  – Offers free, nutritious foods to seniors aged 60 years of age and older, Call: 800-522-5006
  • 18. New York State Senior Farmers’ Market Nutrition Program (SFMNP)  – Provides low-income seniors with special checks to buy fresh, nutritious fruits, vegetables, and herbs from authorized farmers’ markets, Call: 800-342-9871
  • 19. New York State Housing Choice Voucher Program  – Helps eligible low-income households lease privately owned rental units from participating landlords, Call: 212-480-7221
  • 20. New York State Public Housing  – Provides safe, decent, and affordable rental units for eligible low-income residents., Call: 718-739-6400
Content: created/curated/disseminated by HAFH Team
Updated Aug 21, 2024