School Meals in Wyoming

School meals in Wyoming are offered mainly through the National School Lunch Program and School Breakfast Program.

The Wyoming school meals programs make nutritionally balanced, low-cost or free meals available to school children each school day in the year.

School meals nutritional standards are based on the recommendation from the Institute of Medicine and the U.S. Government and teachers have reported that students perform better in class if they get regular meals.

Children getting school breakfast also had significantly reduced absence and tardiness rates, according to a Tufts University study.

Wyoming School Lunch Program | Wyoming School Breakfast Program


Special Milk Program in Wyoming

Wyoming Special Milk Program offers milk to children in schools, childcare institutions, and eligible camps. Any child in a school or institution that participates in the Special Milk Program can get milk.

Schools may elect to offer free milk to low-income children. In order to qualify for Wyoming Special Milk, the child must be a resident of the State of Wyoming.

Wyoming Special Milk Program


Summer Food Program in Wyoming

Summer Food Service Program (SFSP) is another Wyoming food assistance program that provides free meals and snacks to help low-income Wyoming children get nutritious meals in the summertime.

The Summer Food Service Program is a federal program that provides grants to local sponsors who want to combine a food service with a summer activity program.

The funding provided by SFSP ensures that Wyoming children in low-income areas continue to receive nutritious meals during long school vacations when they do not have access to school lunch or breakfast.

Wyoming Summer Food Service Program

Sources: State Agencies, FNS, USDA